
The Dynamo software package

Dynamo is our in house software package for cryo electron tomography. Developed since 2012 by the Castaño group, it covers all steps of cryoET data processing: alignment of tilt series, reconstruction of tomograms, content characterization, identification of particles, subtomogram averaging and classification.

Official Dynamo webpage: dynamo-em.org

Dynamo at BREM

Computational aspects of tomography projects are far from streamlined: they are highly dependent on the scope of your problem. Location of individual proteins in a crowded cytosol, hidden inside membranes or distributed in irregular decorations on filaments or other organelles is a non trivial task that requires specific tuning for the particular problem at hand. Additionally, efficient management of data, metadata, annotations and intermediate results from several acquisition sessions is a significative overhead.

The Dynamo package was designed specifically to cope with these two hindrances, and to facilitate non expert users the adoption of the technique. At BREM, we can support you to design and set up your tomography projects from scratch.